– Build a rock-solid foundation –
Business cash flow giving you anxiety? Are you drowning in debt, or struggling to recruit new customers?
This luncheon offers:
✓ A step-by-step guide for protecting cash flow.
✓ Clear guidelines for getting out of debt.
✓ A biblical foundation for sustainable growth.
Follow these 3 steps for your financial turnaround:
1.) Buy a ticket for this business lunch.
2.) Attend with like-minded entrepreneurs and receive your plan.
3.) Implement this simple strategy in your finances.
Missing out on the principles covered in this luncheon could consign you to a lifetime of frustration, battling invisible foes with inadequate tools. Cease the cycle of excuses, the struggle to keep up with payments, and liberate yourself from financial constraints.
A healthy growing business, and a bright future lie just on the other side of a fresh perspective and new strategy regarding your financial affairs. Come and receive spiritual insights to overcome the god of money (Mammon), and move forward purposefully.
Buy your ticket today, only 10 seats available.
Tuesday 21 May 2024
The Centurion Hotel
R1,199 per person
R1,999 per couple
Join us for a transformative seminar specially designed for business owners who are pursuing growth while living in alignment with God’s financial principles. Explore essential topics such as cash flow management, debt reduction, strategic financial planning, and unlocking the secrets of the world’s most influential businesses.
Join Wilco around a table with other entrepreneurs where he will share 10 principles from the Bible that is usually overlooked in business, that causes tremendous financial implications. This session includes networking with like-minded individuals, a meal and refreshments, and the guidelines on building a business God’s way:
✓ Increase income – how to grow your income by increasing your economic value.
✓ Debt Free – practical steps on how to become 100% debt free and stay that way.
✓ Taxes – spiritual implications and God’s will regarding taxes.
✓ Accounting – its spiritual laws and practical tools.
✓ Financial plan – three steps on how to create a new and healthy plan and execute it.
✓ Spiritual rules – two economies, characteristics of the god of money, and stewardship.
✓ Philosophy – how to change your thinking, mindset, and identity around money.
✓ The ant – business principles that nature teaches us.
✓ Budget – why you can’t go without one and how to do it.
✓ Jews – the one secret that makes these people one of the richest groups on earth.
A single ticket costs R1,199 per person, or R1,999 per couple.
This includes access to the small intimate event, as well as a meal and refreshments.
Tickets are not sold at the door. Reservations must be made in advance by purchasing a ticket. You can either buy:
✓ Online (Purchase online with a card)
✓ EFT (Make a direct electronic transfer to book your seat)
✓ Whatsapp (Send a direct message to Wilco for reservation)
✓ Email (Send a direct email for reservation)
For any info Whatsapp, call, or email Wilco Directly:
✓ 0823625670
Wilco Naumann is the author of the book God & Money, a speaker who offers seminars for organizations across the country, as well as a strategic consultant for businesses. Read his full biography here.